TVB《智勇新警界》經典英語插曲: Make It Better Again--Bob waters
Make It Better Again---Bob Waters歌詞中英雙語對照 Oh those, gray days of Winter 噢!那些,冬日銀
Make It Better Again---Bob Waters歌詞中英雙語對照
Oh those, gray days of Winter 噢!那些,冬日銀白色的日子
Used to build a fire 曾經(被我們)用來生火
I hold you in my arms 我用雙手抱住你
Cover you in my desires 用我的欲望將你團團圍住
We plan the future 我們計畫我們的未來
Talk of summer days 談論著我們的夏日
Go down to the boardwalk 走在海邊的木板路
Just to hear the waves 不過在傾聽大海的波濤
What good is my dream 我的夢,那麼美好
No one here to share it 但沒有人可以分享
What good is my heart 我的心,多麼美好
Just be there 來到這裡吧
What good is my life 我的生命多麼美好
Now without you in it 但現在,你卻不在我身邊
Make it better again (為了)讓它再次燦爛
Let“s get together again 讓我們在一起
Let“s get together again 讓他們在一起
kept your picture 留著你的記憶
(I) see if all the time 我可以看到,如果所有的時間
Crazy laughing echoes in my mind 瘋狂的笑聲回蕩在我腦海
I kept remember 我會記得
What we were fighting for 我們曾經為何奮鬥
How I long to see you walking in my door 要多久,才可以看到你走進我的心房
Repeat: Chorus 重複
Can“t you? Feel what I feel 難道,你不能感受我所感受的?
You are...ooohhhh baby, baby 你...噢傲..寶貝寶貝
Repeat: Chorus 重複
Let“s get together again, hmmm...讓我們在一起