


"C'mon" - Ke$ha

Saw you leaning against that old record machine 看到你背靠著那老式的投幣點唱機 Saw the name of your band written on the marquee 看到宣傳天幕上你的樂隊的名字

It's a full moon tonight so we getting rowdy 月圓之夜,我們黑化一下那是自然啊

 Yeah we getting rowdy, g-g-getting rowdy 是捏我們狼化了,我們狂性大發吼吼

 Feeling like I'm a high schooler 感覺我是不是中二了

Sipping on a warm wine cooler 啜飲著冷酒器中的紅酒

Hot 'cause the party don't stop 熱血沸騰因為趴體不止

 I'm in a crop top 我穿著露臍上衣

 Like I'm working at Hooters 就好像穿著貓頭鷹餐廳的工作服(有興趣可查百度圖片貓頭鷹餐廳

We been keeping it PG 一直都是乖孩紙(科普PGParental Guidancebasically means no dirty words, no sex, no drugs and no violence

 But I wanna get a little risky 但如今我想冒一點點險

 Come gimme some of that yum like a lollipop 給我點甜頭嘗嘗吧,比如一根棒棒糖? Let me set you free 我會給你真正的自由

C'mon 'cause I know what I like 來吧你知道我喜歡什麼

 And you're looking just like my type 你看起來正是我的菜 Let's go for it just for tonight 來吧只有今晚

 C'mon, c'mon, c'mon 來吧來吧來吧

Now don't even try to deny 別試圖拒絕

 We're both going home satisfied 讓我們都帶著滿足回家

 Let's go for it just for tonight 來吧只有今晚

C'mon, c'mon, c'mon 來吧來吧來吧

Write our names on the wall in the back of the bar 在酒吧後牆寫下我們的名字

Steal some bubblegum from the corner Maximart 在街角的販賣機裡拍點泡泡糖出來

Yeah, we laughing like kids causing trouble in the dark 是啊我們像小孩子一樣偷偷幹完壞事之後一起放聲大笑

Causing trouble in the dark, t-t-trouble in the dark 超級腹黑一肚子壞水

Feeling like a saber-toothed tiger 就像一頭劍齒虎

Sipping on a warm Budweiser 在細嗅百威(好吧我隨便翻的,出自薩松——我心中有猛虎在細嗅薔薇。這裡錢妞的歌詞是:一頭猛虎在啜飲溫熱的啤酒,意思是欲望在發酵)

 Touch me and give me that rush 碰觸我,給我那股衝動

Better pack a toothbrush 最好再去買把牙刷

Gonna pull an all-nighter 因為今晚我們要嗨個通宵

We been keeping it kosher 一直都是好寶寶

 But I wanna get it on for sure 但我心底裡好想打破這表像

 Come gimme some of that yum like a lollipop 給我點甜頭嘗嘗吧,比如一根棒棒糖? Baby don't be scared 親愛的,請無所畏懼

C'mon 'cause I know what I like 來吧你知道我喜歡什麼

And you're looking just like my type 你看起來正是我的菜

 Let's go for it just for tonight 來吧只有今晚

C'mon, c'mon, c'mon 來吧來吧來吧

 Now don't even try to deny 別試圖拒絕

We're both going home satisfied 讓我們都帶著滿足回家

 Let's go for it just for tonight 來吧只有今晚

 C'mon, c'mon, c'mon 來吧來吧來吧

I don't wanna go to sleep 我不想睡覺

 I wanna stay up all night 我想整夜清醒

I wanna just screw around 我只想胡鬧

I don't wanna think about 不想去思考

What's gonna be after this 以後會怎樣

 I wanna just live right now 我只想活在當下 (x2)

C'mon 'cause I know what I like 來吧你知道我喜歡什麼

And you're looking just like my type 你看起來正是我的菜

Let's go for it just for tonight 來吧只有今晚

C'mon, c'mon, c'mon 來吧來吧來吧

Now don't even try to deny 別試圖拒絕

We're both going home satisfied 讓我們都帶著滿足回家

 Let's go for it just for tonight 來吧只有今晚

 C'mon, c'mon, c'mon 來吧來吧來吧



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