Pink複出單曲Blow Me

P!nk是美國一位著名女歌手,前期風格為R&B、Hip-Hop、Ballads為主,後期轉向Pop/Rock(流行/搖滾)。她是一個常有著驚世裝扮,性感勁酷的新世代辣妹,雖然年紀輕輕,但已被媒體讚譽為“下一個麥當娜”。自信、率真、直言不諱的Pink就是這樣一個中氣十足的女生。她以自己重節奏風格和桀驁不馴的性格深受美國青少年喜愛。Blow Me 是Pink產後複出帶來的第一首單曲。

Blow Me (One Last Kiss) 
White knuckles and sweaty palms from hanging on too tight.  
抓得太緊 所以指節泛白 手掌汗濕   
Clenched shut jaw, I’ve got another headache again tonight.   
咬緊了下顎 今夜我又一次頭疼了起來   
Eyes on fire, eyes on fire, and they burn from all the tears.   
眼睛在著火 在著火 它們被眼淚灼燒著   
I’ve been crying, I’ve been crying, I’ve been dying over you   
我曾那樣哭泣 我曾無數次那樣哭泣 因你我痛不欲生   
Tie a knot in the rope, tryna(trying to) hold, tryna hold,   
我將繩索系出一個結 我試圖堅持 我試圖不放手   
but there’s nothing to grasp so I let go!!   
但已經沒有什麼能讓我抓住 所以 我只能放手

I think I've finally had enough, I think I maybe think too much   
我想我終於受夠了這一切 我想也許是我想得太多   
I think this might be it for us (blow me one last kiss)   
我想 這就是我們的終結了 (給我最後一個吻吧)   
You think I’m just too serious,I think you’re full of shit   
你覺得我太過認真 我覺得你就是個傻X   
My head is spinning so(blow me one last kiss).   
我的大腦已天旋地轉 所以(給我最後一個吻吧)   
Just when I think it can’t get worse,    
I’ve had a shit day (NO! )   
You’ve had a shit day (NO!)   
We’ve had a shit day (NO!).   
I think that life’s too short for this   
我想人生苦短 何必耗費於此   
I want back my ignorance and bliss   
I think I’ve had enough of this.Blow me one last kiss   
我想我已經受夠了 再給我最後一個吻吧   
I won’t miss all of the fighting that we always did,   
Take it in, I mean what I say when I say there is nothing left.   
承認吧 當我說我們之間的一切都已蕩然無存時 我是真的那麼覺得   
I am sick, whiskey-dick, no more battles for me   
我已經厭倦了 那些宿醉 不會再有戰爭一樣的對峙   
You’ll be calling a trick, cause you’ll no longer sleep.   
你會說這一切都只是一場騙局 因為你從此夜不能寐   
I’ll dress nice, I’ll look good, I’ll go dancing alone.   
我將身著最美的華服 我將美豔奪目 我將一個人起舞   
I will laugh, I’ll get drunk, I’ll take somebody home.   
我會放肆的笑 我會酩酊大醉 我會帶另一個人回家  

I think I've finally had enough, I think I maybe think too much   
我想我終於受夠了這一切 我想也許是我想得太多   
I think this might be it for us (blow me one last kiss)   
我想 這就是我們的終結了 (給我最後一個吻吧)   
You think I’m just too serious,I think you’re full of shit   
你覺得我太過認真 我覺得你就是個傻X   
My head is spinning so(blow me one last kiss).   
我的大腦已天旋地轉 所以(給我最後一個吻吧)   
Just when I think it can’t get worse,    
I’ve had a shit day (NO! )   
You’ve had a shit day (NO!)   
We’ve had a shit day (NO!).   
I think that life’s too short for this   
我想人生苦短 何必耗費於此   
I’ll pack my ignorance and bliss   
I think I’ve had enough of this.Blow me one last kiss   
我想我已經受夠了 再給我最後一個吻吧   
Blow me one last kiss   
I will do what I please, anything that I want.   
我會讓自己快樂 任何我想要做的事   
I will breathe, I will breathe, I won’t worry at all.   
我會大口的呼吸 心安神寧 我什麼也不要擔心   
You will pay for your sins, you’ll be sorry my dear.   
你會為你的罪惡付出代價 寶貝兒你會悔不當初   
All the lies, all the why's, will be crystal clear.   
所有那些謊言 所有的詭詐 它們都將如此清晰   
I think I've finally had enough, I think I maybe think too much   
我想我終於受夠了這一切 我想也許是我想得太多   
I think this might be it for us (blow me one last kiss)   
我想 這就是我們的終結了 (給我最後一個吻吧)   
You think I’m just too serious,I think you’re full of shit   
你覺得我太過認真 我覺得你就是個傻X   
My head is spinning so(blow me one last kiss).   
我的大腦已天旋地轉 所以(給我最後一個吻吧)   
Just when I think it can’t get worse,    
I’ve had a shit day (NO! )   
You’ve had a shit day (NO!)   
We’ve had a shit day (NO!).   
I think that life’s too short for this   
我想人生苦短 何必耗費於此   
I’ll pack my ignorance and bliss   
I think I’ve had enough of this.Blow me one last kiss   
我想我已經受夠了 再給我最後一個吻吧   
Blow me one last kiss x 2   


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