Ashanti獻給母親的歌Mother:從心底迸發出的溫情呐喊。由R&B高手Babyface為Ashanti譜寫並製作的這首歌曲沒有如一般歐美流行音樂那般在開篇就製造出非常搶耳的效果,而是由緩緩響起的電音前奏帶出Ashanti的聲音,然後再在不斷豐富的編曲裡將聽者帶進歌中所描述的意境。整首作品的歌詞跟旋律結合的非常棒,細膩而感人,就如一封女兒寫給母親的私密書信,一句一句地唱出對母親的愛。無論孩子在成長中遭受過怎樣的傷害,母親始終是默默在身後給予支持。Ashanti的聲音由冷靜到澎湃,隨著歌曲情緒的不斷高漲而充滿了張力,伴隨著高潮部分一遍遍的“I thank you and I love you ”,從心底呐喊出對母親最直白也最誠摯的愛,而且更妙的是編曲並沒有拘泥於小情調,鋼琴合著拍子,搭配一層層漸進的優美和聲,把這首歌詮釋得既大氣又不失細節上的完美,因此愈發感人。唱給母親的歌曲並不鮮見,唱到人心裡的卻不多,而Ashanti的這首便是一首值得一聽再聽的作品。
Ashanti 《Mother》英語歌詞
I would never let a tear fall from your eyes
Cause everything you are to me
I could never let you hurt inside
You mean so much and I`m so thankful
That your in my life
And I appreciate your love and all your sacrifice
Without you by my side
I never could survive
I wouldn`t be the woman standing here
Before your eyes
You taught me strength
And you gave me guidance
Whenever faith was lost
You were there to find it
And all because a mother`s love is unconditional
With all my heart and all my soul
I wanna let you know
Said I thank you
And I love you
And I would never ever place
No one above you
Said I thank you
And yes I love you
And I would never ever place
No one above you
And I appreciate your love and all your sacrifice
Without you by my side
I never could survive
I wouldn`t be the woman standing here
Before your eyes
You taught me strength
And you gave me guidance
Whenever faith was lost
You were there to find it
And all because a mother`s love is unconditional
With all my heart and all my soul
I wanna let you know
Said I thank you
And I love you
And I would never ever place
No one above you
Said I thank you
And yes I love you
And I would never ever place
No one above you