First Time 第一次 Brandon Heath 玩新行音樂

Brandon Heath來自美國田納西州納什維爾,一位玩流行福音的男歌手。從小喜歡很少人會喜歡的福音音樂(Gospel),並且決心要在美國福音樂壇出人頭地。

Gospel 是一個很有意思的風格定義,唱詩班的福音可以成為Gospel,在流行音樂的領域,Gospel代表了一種飄然灑脫,絕對可以給你以驚豔和脫俗的感受。 Brandon從一位元普通音樂創作者蛻變為完全成熟的創作型歌手,之後和多名音樂人有過合作。他以前渴望到音樂幕後工作,卻沒想到自己唱起了歌,他的歌聲得到了大家的肯定。

Brandon迄今發行了四張個人專輯,"I'm Not Who I Was" "Give Me Your Eyes"是他最受歡迎的兩隻冠軍單曲。



First Time》歌詞:

All alone in empty background

In 1983

I was hanging out at the window

Dad yelled back at me

It's come appear, take the will

I'm gonna let you drive

For the first time

First Time

Brandon Heath

Leaving Eden

Lyric By MichaelG

Freshman year of high school

Mom thinks I'll be a star

So she took me down to the violin store

And bought me a black guitar

I played it loud with all my heart

Wrote myself a song

For the first time

It's like a waking up from a long hard sleep

Like a newborn child breathing deeper

And I wonder of it all, feels my eyes

Like I never see, I just cry

Cause I feel so right when you living life

For the first time

It's being never felt so lovely

April was her name

She was singing with me in harmony

I never was the same

Cute and sweet in my bed feet

Chasing after love

For the first time

It's like a waking up from a long hard sleep

Like a newborn child breathing deeper

And I wonder of it all,feels my eyes

Like I never see, I just cry

Cause I feel so right when you living life

For the first time

And I'm thankful for the first time

I know I, I've been so loved by a God

Who loved me first

It's like a waking up from a long hard sleep

Like a newborn child breathing deeper

And I wonder of it all, feels my eyes

Like I never see, I start to cry, yeah

It's like a waking up from a long hard sleep

Like a newborn child breathing deeper, yeah

And I wonder of it all, feels my eyes

Like I never see, I just cry

Oh I feel so right

Living life for the first time

Living life for the first time

Living life for the first time


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