帕蒂·佩姬(Patti Page)原名Clara Ann Fowler。1927年11月8日出生於奧克拉荷馬州。 Pattie Page原先是在Tulsa地方的無線電臺做雜務的,一個偶然的機會毛遂自薦頂替沒來電臺錄音的歌星而一炮打響。
帕蒂·佩姬(Patti Page)是大樂隊時代排名第14位的藝人,在這期間共有上榜歌曲39支。她一生中最成功的歌曲《Tennessee Waltz》則在榜首停留了好幾個月,被列美國為最佳銷售單曲之一,甚至被選定為田納西州州歌。在後來的日子裡,這支歌曲不下於6次步入排行榜前40位。在1952年到53年間,佩姬還出了兩支大熱門曲《I Went To Your Wedding-我參加了你的婚禮》和《That Doggie In The Window-櫥窗的小狗》,都在榜首停留了2個多月。
西元 2552 年,地球依然存在於銀河系之中,但由於人口過剩的問題,讓地球上的居民不得不前往開拓新的殖民地。當時超光速的飛行已經成為事實,讓人們可以自由穿梭於星際之中,而地球上的聯合政府也經由聯合國太空指揮部 (the United Nations Space Command),將轉移權力重心至新開發之殖民地區。將近百萬的地球人離開了地球,居住於太陽系中其它適合居住的星球上。Reach行星的開發,是人類殖民歷史中重要的里程碑,也因此進而發展出供百姓使用的殖民拓荒太空船艦,以及供聯合國太空指揮部 (UNSC) 軍隊使用之太空軍艦,不但拉近了與地球的距離,Reach行星區也成為科技發展以及軍事活動的中心。
"2 Become 1" is a song by the British pop group Spice Girls. Written by the group members, Matt Rowe and Richard Stannard during the group's first professional songwriting session, it was produced by Rowe and Stannard for the group's debut album Spice, released in November 1996. It was inspired by the special relationship that was delevoping between Geri Halliwell and Rowe during the writing session.
"2 Become 1" is a pop ballad, that features instrumentation from a guitar, an electronic keyboard, and string instruments. The lyrics focuses on the bonding of two lovers, and also address the importance of contraception. Its Big TV!-directed music video, which features the group in Times Square in New York City with fast moving cars appearing around multi-coloured lights, was completely shot against a green screen at a studio in London. The backdrop was later superimposed.
Maria Arredondo(瑪麗亞·亞瑞唐多),1985年7月6日降生于挪威的文內斯拉(Vennesla)小鎮。 和很多出色的歌手一樣,Maria從很小的時候便顯露了過人的音樂天賦。她的母親說她是“從會走路的那天起,就會唱歌了”。她從10歲起就開始參加地區的各種歌唱比賽,成績頗佳。她用了兩年時間慢慢尋找自我風格,然後簽訂了自己的唱片合同。她可以唱各種各樣的歌,從慢而深情的“Cross Every River"到瘋狂有力的快歌如“Mad Summer”。是個跨過古典和流行界的歌手。
她的第一張同名專輯請來了諸如Jonas von Der Burg, Espen Lind, 這樣的大牌製作人。作曲者也是水準很高,Christian Ingebrigtsen,Silje Nergaard等都為她操刀動筆。這張專輯甫一出世,就在挪威最大的報紙的音樂版上獲得了最高的評價。它的銷量是白金。第一首單曲“Can let go”於2002年5月推出,名叫她的第3首單曲,與Christian Ingebrigtsen合唱的“In love with an angel”空降冠軍,同樣是白金銷量。她難以置信的成功使Maria成為了挪威最棒的藝術家。她的首張專輯中的一首歌在排行榜的前三位蟬聯了4個月。而下一首單曲《A thousand nights》也被廣播。 Maria的嗓子有些象流行天后Mariah Carey,但是比後者要稍微男性一點點。Maria的聲線非常好,性感但不做作,有力但不炫耀,明亮但不過分照人。推薦她的《Burning》,非常棒的歌曲!誘惑力,愛情,妖嬈的盤繞讓人無法拒絕。另一首歌《Cross Every River》,MTV拍得可愛之至。
2013歐洲最受期待新人,2013年歐洲電視歌唱大賽新科冠軍Emmelie de Forest近日發行了她人生的首張專輯,專輯是在Emmelie de Forest代表丹麥參加2013歐洲電視歌唱大賽一周前發行;而隨著Emmelie de Forest在本屆比賽作為賽前奪冠呼聲最高的選手,最後眾望所歸的拿下今年冠軍,Emmelie de Forest的全新大碟也成為今年歐洲最期待和最受關注的大碟。
1. "I Knew You Were Trouble" 《我知道你是我的劫難》 Song History: Even when all your friends warn you about the bad boy, sometimes you just have to find out for yourself. For Taylor, that guy was John Mayer. Even though he had a rep as a player, she still dated him—and wound up with a broken heart. 歌曲背後的故事:即使你的朋友都提醒你要小心那個壞壞的男生,但有時候你還是非得要自己去看個明白。對泰勒來說,那個壞男生就是約翰·梅爾。儘管他是公認的花花公子,泰勒還是跟他談了戀愛——最後逃不了心碎受傷的結局。
There are so many times when you feel that things are just not going your way. You feel as if the whole world has turned against you and just wants to make you feel sad. Your friend hurt you real bad. Your boyfriend didn’t support you for something. Your parents didn’t allow you for a slumber party. It feels like everything’s coming crashing down onto you at once. What can you do now? We have an idea. Listen to some of these awesome songs that will help you to uplift your mood in a jiffy.
Air Supply are an Australian soft rock duo formed in Australia in 1975, consisting of British-born singer-songwriter and guitarist Graham Russell and lead vocalist Australian Russell Hitchcock. They had a succession of hits worldwide, including eight Top Ten hits in the United States.In the early 1980s.They have also sold more than 100 million albums.What we are going to play here later is the song MAKING LOVE OUT OF NOTHING AT ALL. Old but classic.(The song was introduced to you some time ago. Let's just call it an improved version.)Air Supply(空中補給)是澳大利亞的一個慢搖滾組合,成立於1975年。其成員包括了出生於英國的創作歌手兼吉他手和來自澳洲的主唱Russell Hitchcock。Air Supply有著一系列享譽全球的成名曲,其中有八首在80年代晚期進軍美國排名當年音樂榜前十。他們的唱片也大賣了1億張。等會兒要播放的是來自他們的《愛憑空而生》。老歌,經典依舊!