讚美耶穌基督歌曲Kari Jobe - "Steady My Heart"穩定我的心
Wish it could be easy
Why is life so messy
Why is pain a part of us
There are days I feel like
Nothing ever goes right
Sometimes it just hurts so much
But You're here
You're real
I know I can trust You
Even when it hurts
Even when it's hard
Even when it all just falls apart
I will run to You
Cause I know that You are
Lover of my soul
Healer of my scars
You steady my heart (x2)
I'm not gonna worry
I know that You got me
Right inside the palm of your hand
Each and every moment
What's good and what gets broken
Happens just the way that You plan
And I will run to You
You're my refuge in Your arms
And I will sing to You
Cause of everything You are
有時它只是傷害了這麼多 ,
但你在這裡 你是真正的我知道我可以信任你 ,
即使它傷害 即使很難 ,
即使這一切只是分崩離析 ,
我會跑到你 因為我知道,
你是 我的靈魂的愛人
我的傷疤小靈 你穩住我的心臟(2次)
我不會擔心 ,我知道你有我 的手掌裡面右鍵
每一個時刻 什麼是好,
什麼被分解 偏偏只是你計劃的方式 ,
我會跑到你你是我在你的懷裡避難所 ,
我會唱歌給你 一切的原因是你的