In My Pocket ( Mandy Moore)
In My Pocket (時時伴我)
- Mandy Moore
In My Pocket (時時伴我)
- Mandy Moore
Among the many muted faces 許多沉默中臉
You try to find me in the spaces 你嘗試在太空中尋找我
You´re drawn to my song 你描繪了我的歌
You only move to keep from sinking 你只從沉迷中出來
You close your eyes as if you´re thinking 你閉上了眼睛仿佛你正在思考
Afraid all along 一直在害怕著
That in my eyes you´re so revealing 那在我的眼中一露無遺
you´ll find what you´re needing 你會發現你的所求
[Chorus] 副歌
Nothing but pennies in my pocket 在我口袋裡只有零錢
Nothing but faith to keep me warm 只有信念使我感到溫暖
Well, baby, then I would be broke without it 好了,寶貝,接下來我要摒棄它而爆發了
Tell me, how much for your love 告訴我,你的愛要多少(錢)
Slip my heart in your back pocket 讓我的心溜到了你的後袋
All I got to keep you warm 用我的全部去使你感到溫暖
So baby don't leave me here without it 所以寶貝帶著它離開我
Tell me, how much for your love 告訴我,你的愛
Hoping the melody will leave you 希望這曲調會離開你
You walk to where I might not see you 你去到一個我不能看到你的地方
Reach out to the wind 隨風而走
Looking to catch it for a minute 抓住來看一會
But just to hold it not be in it不過只能看不要被捲入其中
I´ve been where you´ve been我踏著你的足跡(直譯:我去過你去過的地方)
Cause some how I´m so afraid the love 因為我還是那麼害怕這份愛
Will reveal what you´re made of 會顯露出你的本性
1 Among the many muted faces 許多沉默中臉
adj. 啞的;沉默的;無聲的
vt. 減弱……的聲音;使……柔和
n. 啞巴;弱音器;閉鎖音
eg:He could watch her standing mute by the phone.
mute tuning 靜噪調諧
MUTE STOP 圖像靜噪停止
Mute Control [電子] 靜音控制 ; 靜音控 ; [電子] 靜噪控制
Mute Singer 無聲的歌手
Mute Sound 靜音
MUT mute 雜訊控制 ; 雜訊節制 ; 埔簦膁刂
hearing mute 聽啞
mute knob 消音紐
mute time 切除時間
2 You only move to keep from sinking 你只從沉迷中出來
vi. 下沉;消沉;滲透
vt. 使下沉;挖掘;使低落
n. 水槽;洗滌槽;污水坑
eg:In a naval battle your aim is to sink the enemy's ship.
sink in 被瞭解 ; 完全理解 ; 滲進去 ; 被完全理解
advise sink 通知接收 ; 告訴接受 ; 表示已連接的通知接收
Sink into 陷入 ; 沉入 ; 匯成
information sink 信宿 ; 信息宿
sink plug 面盆堵頭
sink drainer 面盆下水
cooled sink 冷卻散熱片
chlorine sink 氯的吸收匯
Sink Index 縮痕指數
3 That in my eyes you´re so revealing 那在我的眼中一露無遺
vt. 顯示;透露;揭露;洩露
n. 揭露;暴露;門側,窗側
eg:A survey of the American diet has revealed that a growing number of people are overweight.
Reveal it 漸顯猜字謎
reveal itself 出現
muvee Reveal 影片創建軟體 ; 自動影片創建軟體
reveal secret 揭露秘密
to reveal 露韓 ; 展示
Reveal Selected 顯示選定項 ; 預示選擇
Timeline reveal 時間軸
reveal vt 展現
Reveal Imaging 興輝數碼魅影
4 Slip my heart in your back pocket 讓我的心溜到了你的後袋
n. 拖鞋
vt. 用拖鞋打
eg:I reckon I must be the owner of the biggest slipper in the world.
paper slipper 紙拖鞋 ; 紙趿拉兒
slipper sock 鞋襪
slipper skirt 滑履式活塞裙 ; 隔熱槽
slipper collector 滑動集電器
Sheepskin slipper 羊皮拖鞋
cross slipper 十字頭滑塊
Felt Slipper 毛氈襪套
slipper pu 滑履式泵
piston slipper 活塞活動部分