冰雪奇緣的主題曲:Let It go
《冰雪奇緣》獲得第71屆金球獎最佳動畫片獎項和第86屆奧斯卡的提名,冰雪奇緣主題曲《Let it go》則引發全球翻唱熱潮,25種語言版主題曲是不是很好聽?
冰雪奇緣的主題曲:Let It go歌詞欣賞(中英雙語)
The snow blows white on the mountain tonight 皚皚白雪覆蓋今夜的山
Not a footprint to be seen 埋藏身後我的足跡
A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I'm the Queen
The wind is howling like the swirling storm inside 狂風呼號,內心亦湧動不能平息
Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried 不管多努力,再無法藏匿
Don't let them in, don't let them see 掩藏好自己,不許人靠近
Be the good girl 乖乖聽話,
You always had to be 別讓大家擔心
Conceal, don't feel 把真心封閉,
Don't let them know 不讓人看清
Well, now they know 如今被看清
Let it go 不再躲,
Let it go 不再怕
Can't hold it back anymore 秘密已經大白於天下
Let it go 不管他,
Let it go 不害怕
Turn away and slam the door 告別過去不留一絲牽掛
I don't care 別人的話,
What they're going to say 何必在乎它
Let the storm rage on 就讓狂風怒號
The cold never bothered me anyway 冰封千里我也從不害怕
It's funny how some distance 現在回首遙望從前
Makes everything seem small 往事變得微不足道
And the fears that once controlled me 曾經桎梏我的恐懼
Can't get to me at all 也都遠的看不到
It's time to see what I can do 展現自己 拿出本領
To test the limits and break through 衝破極限 讓自己也驚訝
No right, no wrong, no rules for me 沒有羈絆 扔掉規矩
I'm free 世界由我
Let it go 放寬心
Let it go 向前進
I am one with the wind and sky 乘著風 融化在天際
Let it go 向前沖
Let it go 不後悔
You'll never see me cry 我再沒有眼淚
Here I stand 站在這裡
And here I stay 堅定不移
Let the storm rage on 任那狂風怒號
My power flurries through the air into the ground 雪花漫天飄下,這是我的魔法
My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around 冰片旋轉紛飛,是我的靈魂在昇華
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast 思緒結晶成冰淩,是冰雪的爆炸
I'm never going back 過去已是過去,
The past is in the past 是再也回不去
Let it go 不沉溺
Let it go 不在意
And I'll rise like the break of dawn 如晨曦一般冉冉升起
Let it go 算了吧,
Let it go 忘了吧
That perfect girl is gone 別指望我回到過去
Here I stand in the light of day 站在這裡,不再藏匿
Let the storm rage on 任那狂風怒號
The cold never bothered me anyway 冰封千里我也從不害怕