情人節英文歌曲:Right now and right here—Keren Ann

Right now and right here—Keren Ann

Keren Ann
,法國樂壇最受矚目的民謠才女,原名Keren Ann Zeidel,1974年3月10日出生於以色列,從小學吉他時就開始扒Joni Mitchell的曲子,11歲舉家遷往巴黎後竟然得到了Joni Mitchell的賞識而結識了著名製作人Benjamin Biolay,后者的古典音乐背景为她的作品带来更丰富的编配层次。


  Over and over you wanted it so fast
Head on my shoulder I'll pour myselfa glass
Wait 'til we're somewhere closer to a lake
Then make a sad face and tell me it's to late
Right now and right here
My love oh my dear
I'll try to be clear
My love oh my dear
Over and over you wanted me to play
Head on my shoulder there's nothing left to say
Wait 'til we're somewhere closer to the sea
Then we can jump and pretend we disagree
Right now and right here
My love oh my dear
I'll try to be clear
(My love oh my dear)
Over and over we're turning off the light
Even the warriors are always great at night
Wait 'til we're somewhere closer to the moon
Then you can kiss me and say that it's too soon
Right now and right here
My love oh my dear
Faces under water , look much closer
When they appear
Your hand on my shoulder
We'll be older in a year
In the morning after should I laugh or disappear


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