經典英語勵志歌曲:Don't Cry by Guns N' Roses
Don't cry 這首歌中槍花樂隊一改從前的憤怒激烈,主唱滄桑哀婉低吟出一段令人盪氣迴腸的柔情曲,而歌曲表達出的
Don't cry 這首歌中槍花樂隊一改從前的憤怒激烈,主唱滄桑哀婉低吟出一段令人盪氣迴腸的柔情曲,而歌曲表達出的無奈和失意正是憤怒的極至。不止在歌收尾的地方,在歌起時就有淡淡的的呻吟聲,而且在整首歌裡拖長的音非常之多,歌曲最後通過一聲加長的低鳴來表達一種撕心裂肺的心痛。
Don't cry by Guns N' Roses 英語歌詞帶中文翻譯:
Talk to me softly輕輕的告訴我
There's something in your eyes你眼裡藏著千言萬語
Don't hang your head in sorrow不要因為悲傷而垂頭喪氣
And please don't cry請不要哭泣
I know how you feel inside 我能理解你的內心
I've been there before我也曾經歷過
Something's changing inside you你的內心在慢慢改變
And don't you know只是你從未發覺
Don't you cry tonight 今夜別哭泣了
I still love you baby 我依然愛著你寶貝
Don't you cry tonight 不要哭泣
Don't you cry tonight 別哭了
There's heaven above you baby寶貝,天堂就在你的上方
And don't you cry tonight 所以別哭了
Give me a whisper在我耳邊輕輕呢喃
And give me a sign在給我一個你的印記
Give me a kiss before you tell me goodbye在離開我之前,請最後給我個吻
Don't you take it so hard now 不要覺得這樣很艱難
And please don't take it so bad 也不要認為這不可理喻
I'll still be thinking of you 我會一直想著你
And the times we had...baby 還有我們一起度過的曾經,寶貝
And don't you cry tonight 今夜不要哭泣
Don't you cry tonight今夜不要哭泣
Don't you cry tonight 今夜別哭了
There's a heaven above you baby 寶貝,天堂就在你的上方
And don't you cry tonight 所以今夜別再哭了
And please remember that I never lied 請記住,我從不騙你
And please remember how I felt inside now honey 也請試著讀懂我內心的感受,寶貝
You gotta make it your own way 你選擇了你自己的方式
But you'll be alright now sugar 但你一定會好起來的,甜心
You'll feel better tomorrow 你明天就會好起來的
Come the morning light now baby 天就要破曉了,寶貝
And don't you cry tonight 所以今夜別哭了
And don't you cry tonight 今夜不要哭泣
And don't you cry tonight 今夜不要哭泣
There's heaven above you 天堂就在你的上方
And don't you cry 不要哭泣
Don't you ever cry 再也不要哭泣
Don't you cry tonight 今晚不要哭泣
Baby maybe someday寶貝可能某一天
Don't you cry 你不會哭泣
Don't you ever cry 不會再哭泣
Don't you cry tonight...