- 歌名:Stand〖忍耐〗
- 演唱:Jewel
- 注:下文的Marvin Gaye是靈魂樂傳奇歌手,黑人流行音樂史上一個最受人敬
- 重及喜愛的超級巨星;而Woody Guthrie則是來自德克薩斯的美國農民,傳奇
- 的美國民歌先驅,他的This Land Is Your Land更是被奉為美國第二國歌。
- Walk in a corner shop〖步入街角的一家商店〗
- See a shoplifting cop〖看見一個行竊的當差〗
- See the old lady with a gun〖看見一位老奶奶端著槍〗
- See the hero try 2 run〖看見我們的英雄想逃跑〗
- Nothing's what it seems, I mean〖凡事都不是想像的那樣我想說〗
- It's not all dirty, but it's not all clean〖沒有人是壞透的也沒有人是純潔無暇的〗
- There's children paying bills〖那裡有小鬼們付帳〗
- There's monks buying thrills〖也有修道士尋求刺激〗
- There's pride for sale in magazines〖賣雜誌的小販也有尊嚴〗
- There's pills for rent 2 make u clean〖也有藥丸出租能令你感到虛無〗
- Marvin Gaye, there's no brother, brother〖Marvin Gaye 那兒並沒有兄弟沒有兄弟〗
- Woody Guthrie's land can't feed Mother〖Woody Guthrie的土地也不能養育祖國〗
- Mothers weep, children sleep〖母親哭泣孩子入睡〗
- So much violence ends in silence〖如此多的暴力在安靜中結束〗
- It's a shame there's no one 2 blame〖可恥的是找不到該責備的人〗
- For all the pain that life brings〖人生中會有許多苦難〗
- If u will just take me It might just complete me〖如果你和我在一起就能使我更完美〗
- And together we can make a stand〖大家一起忍耐共渡難關〗
- A waitress brings me lunch〖女服務員端來我的午飯〗
- We meet but do not touch〖我們只看不吃〗
- On TV, D.C. is selling lies〖電視上賣著虛假的廣告〗
- While in the corner, King's dream dies〖此時角落裡 King的夢想破滅〗
- Go 2 the counter, pay for me and my friend〖他去到櫃檯為我和我的朋友付帳〗
- A homeless man pulls out a roll, says it's on him〖一個無家可歸的人抽出一疊帳說他照單全付〗
- The mayor has no cash〖頭頭說沒有現金〗
- He said he spent it on hookers and hash〖他說錢都花在吃喝嫖賭上了〗
- Mothers weep, children sleep〖母親哭泣孩子入睡〗
- So much violence ends in silence〖如此多的暴力在安靜中結束〗
- It's a shame there's no one 2 blame〖可恥的是找不到該責備的人〗
- For all the pain that life brings〖人生中會有許多苦難〗
- If u will just take me It might just complete me〖如果你和我在一起就能使我更完美〗
- And together we can make a stand〖大家一起忍耐共渡難關〗
- U will love me, I will love u〖你會愛我我也會愛你〗
- U will love me, I will love u〖你會愛我我也會愛你〗
- Mothers weep, children sleep〖母親哭泣孩子入睡〗
- So much violence ends in silence〖如此多的暴力在安靜中結束〗
- It's a shame there's no one 2 blame〖可恥的是找不到該責備的人〗
- For all the pain that life brings〖人生中會有許多苦難〗
- If u will just take me It might just complete me〖如果你和我在一起就能使我更完美〗
- And together we can make a stand〖大家一起忍耐共渡難關〗
- Mothers weep, children sleep〖母親哭泣孩子入睡〗
- So much violence ends in silence〖如此多的暴力在安靜中結束〗
- It's a shame there's no one 2 blame〖可恥的是找不到該責備的人〗
- For all the pain that life brings〖人生中會有許多苦難〗
- If u will just take me It might just complete me〖如果你和我在一起就能使我更完美〗
- And together we can make a stand〖大家一起忍耐共渡難關〗
- Mothers weep, children sleep〖母親哭泣孩子入睡〗
- So much violence ends in silence〖如此多的暴力在安靜中結束〗
- It's a shame there's no one 2 blame〖可恥的是找不到該責備的人〗
- For all the pain that life brings〖人生中會有許多苦難〗
- If u will just take me It might just complete me〖如果你和我在一起就能使我更完美〗
- And together we can make a stand〖大家一起忍耐共渡難關〗