Taylor Swift -2
1989年12月13日,泰勒絲在賓夕法尼亞州雷丁市出生[2][3][4],其名源自歌手詹姆士·泰勒[5]。父親史考特·金斯利·絲薇芙特(Scott Kingsley Swift)是美林證券的財務顧問[6][7];他在賓夕法尼亞州長大,祖先三代當銀行行長[8][9]。母親安德里·加德納·「芬利」·絲薇芙特(Andrea Gardner (Finlay) Swift)[10][11]是家庭主婦,曾擔任互惠基金營銷主管[12]。絲薇芙特的母親雖是美國人,但在新加坡生活了10年,後回國定居於德克薩斯州;其父是工程師,主管全東南亞工作[9]。絲薇芙特的弟弟名叫奧斯汀(Austin)[13]。
絲薇芙特的童年是在賓夕法尼亞州庫魯姆鄉的聖誕樹農場度過的[14][15]。她在方濟各會修女經營的安微尼亞·蒙台梭利學校(Alvernia Montessori School)讀學前班和幼兒園[16],後轉學到男女混合的私立學校韋恩德克羅夫學校[17]。絲薇芙特和他的弟弟在長老會的信仰影響下長大,每年夏季她都會去假期聖經學校[18][19]。九歲那年,舉家遷往賓夕法尼亞州懷俄米辛郊區的出租屋[20]。絲薇芙特就讀於西雷德中心小學和懷俄米辛中學[21]。每到夏天,絲薇芙特就去父母在新澤西州石港的海濱度假屋避暑,她表示那兒是「我的大多數童年記憶形成」的地方[22]。
也是在九歲那年,絲薇芙特對伯克斯青年戲劇學院(Berks Youth Theatre Academy)製作的眾多音樂劇和表演非常感興趣[23],並定期前往百老匯旁聽聲樂課和表演課[24]。絲薇芙特後來把注意力轉向鄉村音樂,因為仙妮亞·唐恩的歌曲讓她「圍著街區跑了四次,做著什麼都有的白日夢」[25]。她依靠在當地節日、咖啡館、博覽會、歌唱比賽、花園俱樂部、童子軍會議和體育賽事上表演度過周末[9][12][26]。11歲時,屢次碰壁後[27],絲薇芙特最終贏得當地的才藝比賽,有機會為查理·丹尼爾斯在史特勞斯鎮露天劇場的演出的開場表演中登台獻藝[28]。
12歲那年,絲薇芙特學會彈奏吉他三和弦,這激勵著她創作個人第一首歌《幸運的你》(Lucky You)[32]。此前,她曾憑藉個人詩作《我衣櫥里的怪物》(Monster in My Closet)贏得全國詩歌大賽,但現在她專注於寫歌[33]。2003年,絲薇芙特和父母開始與紐約音樂經紀人丹·迪米特洛(Dan Dymtrow)合作。在迪米特洛的幫助下,絲薇芙特為Abercrombie & Fitch當模特兒,這是他們的「明日之星」計劃的一部分,而她的原創歌曲收入美寶蓮精選CD,還受邀與各大唱片公司的面談[34]。在RCA唱片的舞台上演繹原創歌曲後,這位八年級的學生獲得藝人發展合同,開始與母親頻繁前往納什維爾[35]。為幫助泰勒打入鄉村音樂界,父親在她14歲那年被調到美林證券納什維爾分部,全家人搬進田納西州亨德森維爾的湖景大宅[8]。
在田納西州,絲薇芙特在亨德森維爾高中讀高一和高二[37]。後來,為了給巡演日程騰出空間,絲薇芙特轉學到提供家教服務的私立基督教學校亞倫學院(Aaron Academy)。絲薇芙特保持了4.0級的平均成績,並於2008年獲得高中文憑,花一年時間提前學完最後兩年的課程[38][39]。
2004年在廣播音樂公司詞曲作者圈(BMI Songwriter's Circle)於紐約痛苦終點酒吧表演後[43][47],絲薇芙特成為有史以來受僱於索尼/聯合電視音樂出版最年輕的詞曲作者[48]。15歲時,絲薇芙特離開RCA唱片,公司希望她錄製其他詞曲作者的作品,直至等到18歲發行專輯,但她已準備好帶上她自己的素材踏上職業生涯[27][49]。絲薇芙特後來回憶:「我真的覺得留給我的時間不多了。我想在專輯裡捕捉我這些年來的生活軌跡,它們依然代表著我的經歷[50]。」她還跟經紀人丹·迪米特洛分道揚鑣,這讓丹後來將絲薇芙特及其父母訴諸法律。2010年,法官駁回迪米特洛的六項法律索償,剩下的不當得利索償達成庭外和解[34][51][51]。
2004–08: Career beginnings and Taylor Swift
Swift moved to Nashville, Tennessee when she was 14 years old,[43] having signed an artist development deal with RCA Records.[44] Swift proceeded to work with experienced Music Row songwriters such as Troy Verges, Brett Beavers, Brett James, Mac McAnally and The Warren Brothers.[45][46] She eventually formed a lasting working relationship with Liz Rose. Swift saw Rose performing at an RCA songwriter event and suggested that they write together.[47] They began meeting for two-hour writing sessions every Tuesday afternoon after school.[48] Rose said that the sessions were "some of the easiest I've ever done. Basically, I was just her editor. She'd write about what happened in school that day. She had such a clear vision of what she was trying to say. And she'd come in with the most incredible hooks."[49] Swift also began recording demos with producer Nathan Chapman.[47]
After performing at a BMI Songwriter's Circle showcase at The Bitter End, New York,[46][50] Swift became the youngest songwriter ever hired by the Sony/ATV Tree publishing house.[51] Swift left RCA Records when she was 14—she was afraid that the company would want her to record the work of other songwriters and wait until she was 18 to release an album, but she felt ready to launch her career with her own material.[28][52][53] Swift later recalled: "I genuinely felt that I was running out of time. I wanted to capture these years of my life on an album while they still represented what I was going through."[53] She also parted ways with manager Dan Dymtrow, who later took legal action against Swift and her parents. In 2010, a judge nullified six of Dymtrow's legal claims. The remaining unjust enrichmentclaim was settled out of court.[10][36][54]
At an industry showcase at Nashville's Bluebird Cafe in 2005, Swift caught the attention of Scott Borchetta, a DreamWorks Records executive who was preparing to form his own independent record label, Big Machine Records. She became one of the label's first signings, with her father purchasing a three per cent stake in the fledgling company at an estimated cost of $120,000.[55][56] She was introduced to the country music business as an artist escort at the CMA Music Festival.[57]
Swift began working on her eponymous debut album shortly after signing her record deal. After experimenting with veteran Nashville producers, Swift persuaded Big Machine to hire her demo producer Nathan Chapman. It was his first time recording a studio album but Swift felt they had the right "chemistry."[28] Swift wrote three of the album's songs alone, including two singles, and co-wrote the remaining eight with writers Rose, Robert Ellis Orrall, Brian Maher and Angelo Petraglia.[58] Musically, the album has been described as "a mix of trad-country instruments and spry rock guitars."[59]
Taylor Swift was released on October 24, 2006. Jon Caramanica of The New York Times described it as "a small masterpiece of pop-minded country, both wide-eyed and cynical, held together by Ms. Swift's firm, pleading voice."[60] Sasha Frere-Jones of The New Yorker described the 16-year-old Swift as a "prodigy." He noted that "Our Song" "stop[ped] me in my tracks" and praised the lyrics: "He's got a one-hand feel on the steering wheel, the other on my heart."[61] Rolling Stone's reviewer described Swift as "bright-eyed but remarkably seasoned," and admired "Our Song"'s "insanely hooky sing-song melody that's as Britney as it is Patsy."[59]
Big Machine Records was still in its infancy upon the release of the lead single "Tim McGraw" in June 2006, and Swift and her mother helped "stuff the CD singles into envelopes to send to radio."[62] She spent much of 2006 promoting Taylor Swift in a radio tour and later commented, "Radio tours for most artists last six weeks. Mine lasted six months."[28] She made many television appearances, including on the Grand Ole Opry,[63] Good Morning America,[64] and TRL.[65] Swift, a self-described "kid of the internet," used Myspace to build a fanbase.[66] This was, at the time, "revolutionary in country music."[67] Borchetta has said that his decision to sign a 16-year-old singer-songwriter initially raised eyebrows among his record industry peers but Swift tapped into a previously unknown market: teenage girls who listen to country music.[10][67]
Following "Tim McGraw", four further singles were released throughout 2007 and 2008: "Teardrops on My Guitar", "Our Song", "Picture to Burn" and "Should've Said No". All were highly successful on the Billboard Hot Country Songs chart, with "Our Song" and "Should've Said No" both reaching number one. "Our Song" made Swift the youngest person to single-handedly write and sing a number-one country song.[68] "Teardrops on My Guitar" became a minor pop hit; it reached number 13 on the Billboard Hot 100.[69]The album sold 39,000 copies during its first week of release[70] and, as of March 2011, had sold over 5.5 million copies worldwide.[71] Swift also released a holiday album, Sounds of the Season: The Taylor Swift Holiday Collection, in October 2007, and an EP, Beautiful Eyes, in July 2008.[72][73]
Swift toured extensively in support of Taylor Swift. In addition to her own material, Swift played covers of songs by Beyoncé, Rihanna, John Waite, Lynyrd Skynyrdand Eminem.[74][75][76] She conducted meet-and-greet sessions with fans before and after her concerts—these lasted for up to four hours.[77] As well as festival and theater dates, Swift performed as an opening act for several country artists' concert tours. In late 2006, she opened for Rascal Flatts on the final nine dates of their Me & My Gang Tour, after the previous supporting act Eric Church was fired.[78][79] In 2007, she served as the opening act for George Strait's tour,[80] several dates on Kenny Chesney's Flip-Flop Summer Tour,[81] selected dates on Brad Paisley's Bonfires & Amplifiers Tour[82] and several dates for Tim McGraw and Hill's jointSoul2Soul II Tour.[83] Swift also opened for Rascal Flatts on their Still Feels Good Tour in 2008.[84]
Swift and Alan Jackson were jointly named the Nashville Songwriters Association's Songwriter/Artist of the Year in 2007, with Swift becoming the youngest person ever to be honored with the title.[85] She also won the Country Music Association's Horizon Award for Best New Artist,[86] the Academy of Country Music Awards's Top New Female Vocalist award[87] and the American Music Awards's Favorite Country Female Artist honor.[88] She was also nominated for a 2008 Grammy Awardin the category of Best New Artist, but lost to Amy Winehouse.[89]
簽約後不久,絲薇芙特開始創作首張同名專輯。與老牌納什維爾製作人一番摸索後,絲薇芙特說服大機器僱傭內森·查普曼當她的樣碟製作人。雖說是首次錄製錄音室專輯,但絲薇芙特感覺兩人產生了很好的「化學反應」[27]。絲薇芙特親自創作了專輯裡的三首歌曲,包括兩首單曲,其餘八首與羅斯、勞勃·埃利斯·奧拉爾、布萊恩·馬赫(Brian Maher)和安傑洛·佩特拉傑吉亞共同創作[55]。從音樂上講,這張專輯「混雜了傳統鄉村音樂和輕快的搖滾吉他[56]。」
專輯於2006年10月24日發布,《紐約時報》的喬恩·卡拉馬尼卡(Jon Caramanica)把專輯形容為「流行樂理念的鄉村音樂小傑作,絲薇芙特女士堅實、懇求般的聲線蘊含著天真和憤世嫉俗[57]。」《紐約人》雜誌的薩沙·弗里爾-瓊斯將16歲的泰勒絲稱為「神童」。他指出,《我們的歌》「讓我想再聽幾遍」。他還讚賞歌詞「他一手握著方向盤,另一隻手撫摸我的心房」(He's got a one-hand feel on the steering wheel, the other on my heart.)[58]。《滾石》雜誌的樂評人稱絲薇芙特「天真但非常地經驗老到」,並欽佩《我們的歌》「瘋狂蹺課跑去唱歌的曲調跟布蘭妮一樣,有點佩西的風格[56]。」
絲薇芙特開展廣泛的巡演,宣傳《泰勒絲》。除了自己的歌曲,絲薇芙特還翻唱了碧昂絲、蕾哈娜、約翰·懷特、林納·史金納和阿姆的歌曲[72][73][74]。她還在演唱會前後與歌迷進行長達四小時的零距離接觸的見面會[75]。除了音樂節和戲劇日,絲薇芙特還為多位鄉村音樂家的巡演作開場表演。2006年年底,她為雷可福磊斯的「我和我的幫派巡演」(Me & My Gang Tour)最後九場表演作開場演出,替換被解僱的客串藝人艾瑞克·喬治[62]。絲薇芙特隨後向喬治寄去她的首張金唱片,附帶字條:「感謝您在福磊斯巡演上「過於冗長」和「過於吵雜」的演出,我由衷的感激。泰勒[76]。」2007年,她為喬治·斯特雷特巡演的頭二十場表演作開場表演[77],並在肯尼·薛士尼的「拖鞋夏日巡演」(Flip-Flop Summer Tour)[78]、布拉德·帕斯利的「篝火與擴音器巡演」(Bonfires & Amplifiers Tour)特定場次[79]和提姆·麥克羅與菲斯的「靈魂碰撞II聯合巡演」中登場[80]。絲薇芙特於2008年於「感覺依然良好」巡演(Still Feels Good Tour)中再次為福磊斯開場[81]。
絲薇芙特和阿蘭·傑克森共同被評為2007年納什維爾歌曲作者協會年度詞曲作者/藝人,絲薇芙特成為獲得該項殊榮的最年輕個人[82]。她還贏得了鄉村音樂協會天際獎(Horizon Award)最佳新人獎[83]、鄉村音樂學院獎最佳女性歌手新人獎[84]和全美音樂獎最受歡迎鄉村女歌手獎[85]。她還被提名為2008年葛萊美獎最佳新人獎,但惜敗給艾米·懷恩豪斯[86]。
2008–10: Fearless
Swift's second studio album, Fearless, was released on November 11, 2008. Swift wrote seven of the album's songs alone, and co-wrote the remaining six with songwriters Rose, John Rich, Colbie Caillat and Hillary Lindsey.[90] She co-produced the album with Nathan Chapman.[90] Musically, it has been said that the record is characterized by "loud, lean guitars and rousing choruses," with the occasional "bit of fiddle and banjo tucked into the mix."[91]
Caramanica of The New York Times described Swift as "one of pop's finest songwriters, country's foremost pragmatist and more in touch with her inner life than most adults."[92] Josh Love of The Village Voice felt she displayed "preternatural wisdom and inclusiveness," "masterfully avoiding the typical diarist's pitfalls of trite banality and pseudo-profound bullshit."[93] Jody Rosen of Rolling Stone described her as "a songwriting savant with an intuitive gift for verse-chorus-bridge architecture" whose "squirmingly intimate and true" songs seemed to be "literally ripped from a suburban girl's diary."[91] Music critic Robert Christgau characterized Swift as "an uncommonly-to-impossibly strong and gifted teenage girl."[94]
Swift, who now owned her own management company led by Robert Allen,[95][96] promoted Fearless heavily upon its release. An episode of The Ellen DeGeneres Show was dedicated to the album launch and Swift appeared on many other talk shows.[67][97] She communicated with fans using social media platforms such as Twitter and personal video blogs and co-hosted the pre-show for the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards.[67]
The lead single from the album, "Love Story", was released in September 2008 and became the second-best-selling country single of all time,[98] peaking at number four on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.[99] Four more singles were released throughout 2008 and 2009: "White Horse", "You Belong with Me", "Fifteen" and "Fearless". "You Belong with Me" was the album's highest-charting single, peaking at number two on the Billboard Hot 100.[100] The album debuted at number one on theBillboard 200 Album Chart with sales of 592,304, and has since sold over 8.6 million copies worldwide.[101] It was the top-selling album of 2009 and brought Swift much crossover success.[102]
Swift went on her first headlining tour in support of Fearless. As part of the 105-date Fearless Tour, Swift played shows in North America, Europe, Australia and Asia.[103][104][105] The tour was attended by more than 1.1 million fans and grossed over $63 million.[106] Taylor Swift: Journey to Fearless, a concert film, was aired on television and later released on DVD and Blu-ray.[107]Swift also performed as a supporting act for Keith Urban's Escape Together World Tour.[108]
In addition to tour dates, the singer paid tribute to a number of fellow artists in televised performances. She performed a cover of Alan Jackson's "Drive" at the CMT Giants: Alan Jackson event,[109] took part in a joint, televised concert with rock band Def Leppardin Nashville,[110] and performed a cover of Strait's "Run" at a televised ACM event honoring Strait as the Artist of the Decade.[111]
Swift also recorded a number of side-projects. She released a cover of Tom Petty's "American Girl" through Rhapsody in 2009,[112]and contributed backing vocals to Mayer's "Half of My Heart", a single featured on his fourth album, Battle Studies.[113] She co-wrote and recorded "Best Days of Your Life" with Kellie Pickler[114] and co-wrote two songs for the Hannah Montana: The Moviesoundtrack—"You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home" and "Crazier"—with Martin Johnson and Robert Ellis Orrall, respectively.[115]Swift also provided vocals for Boys Like Girls's "Two Is Better Than One", written by Martin Johnson.[116] She contributed two songs—including "Today Was a Fairytale"—to the Valentine's Day soundtrack,[117] and recorded a cover of Better Than Ezra's "Breathless" for the Hope for Haiti Now album.[118]
Swift became the first country music artist to win an MTV Video Music Award when "You Belong with Me" was named Best Female Video in 2009.[119] Her acceptance speech was interrupted by rapperKanye West.[120][121] The incident received much media attention and inspired many Internet memes.[122] Swift was lauded for handling West's intrusion with grace and composure.[39] Two days later, Swift told an interviewer that West offered her a personal apology, which she accepted: "He was very sincere."[119] She refused to discuss the incident in subsequent interviews so as not to make a "bigger deal" of it: "It happened on TV, so everybody saw what happened ... It's not something I feel like we need to keep talking about."[123] James Montgomery of MTV argued that the incident and subsequent media attention turned Swift into "a bona-fide mainstream celebrity."[124]
Swift won four Grammy Awards in 2010;[125] Fearless was named Album of the Year and Best Country Album, while "White Horse" was named Best Country Song and Best Female Country Vocal Performance.[126] She was the youngest ever artist to win Album of the Year.[127]
During the 2010 Grammy Awards ceremony, Swift sang "You Belong with Me" and "Rhiannon" with Stevie Nicks. Her vocal performance received negative reviews and sparked a widespread media backlash.[124][128] Her vocals were described variously as "badly off-key," "strikingly bad" and "incredibly wretched."[129][130] Caramanica of The New York Times found it "refreshing to see someone so gifted make the occasional flub" and described Swift as "the most important new pop star of the past few years."[127] Stevie Nicks, writing in Time, defended the singer:
Taylor reminds me of myself in her determination and her childlike nature. It's an innocence that's so special and so rare. This girl writes the songs that make the whole world sing, like Neil Diamond or Elton John ... The female rock-'n'-roll-country-pop songwriter is back, and her name is Taylor Swift. And it's women like her who are going to save the music business.[131]
Fearless won many other accolades and has become the most-awarded album in country music history.[132] Swift became the youngest ever artist to be named Entertainer of the Year by the Country Music Association.[133] Fearless also won the Association's Album of the Year award.[133] Swift was the youngest ever artist to win the Academy of Country Music's Album of the Year honor.[134] The American Music Awards honored Swift with Artist of the Year and Favorite Country Album plaudits.[135] She was awarded the Hal David Starlight Award by the Songwriters Hall of Fame[136] and was named Songwriter/Artist of the Year by the Nashville Songwriters Association.[137] Billboard named her 2009's Artist of the Year.[138] Swift was included in Time 's annual list of the 100 Most Influential People in 2010.[139]
專輯的主打單曲《愛情故事》於2008年9月發行,成為史上銷量第二的鄉村單曲,在公告牌百強單曲榜的排位最高時達到第四位[95]。另外四首於2008年和2009年全年發布的單曲為《白馬 (泰勒絲歌曲)》、《與我同在》、《十五歲》和《無懼的愛》。《與我同在》是專輯在榜單上排位最高的單曲,在百強單曲榜的最高排位達到第二位[96]。專輯以榜首成績首次亮相公告牌二百強專輯榜,銷量達到592304張,全球銷量已達到860萬張[97],成為2009年銷量最高的專輯,給絲薇芙特帶來了眾多跨界成功[98]。
絲薇芙特開展了首次由她領銜的巡演,以宣傳《無懼的愛》。105場無懼的愛巡迴演唱會在北美、歐洲、澳大利亞和亞洲舉辦[99]。絲薇芙特力邀約翰·梅爾、凱蒂·佩里在北美演出的不同場次跟她作一次過的二重唱,而客串歌星還包括小賈斯汀[100]。有110萬歌迷觀看了巡演,票房收入超過6300萬美元[101]。演唱會電影《泰勒絲:無懼的愛之旅》於電視播出,隨後還發行了DVD和藍光[102]。絲薇芙特也在凱斯·厄本的「一起逃跑世界巡演」(Escape Together World Tour)中擔任嘉賓[103]。
除了巡演,這位歌手還在電視表演中表達對各位同行歌手的敬意。她在《CMT巨人:阿蘭·傑克森》(CMT Giants: Alan Jackson)節目中翻唱了阿蘭·傑克森的《Drive》,參與了搖滾樂團威豹樂團在納什維爾的聯合電視演唱會,在授予斯特拉特年代藝術家稱號的ACM電視節目中翻唱了斯特拉特的《Run》[104]。絲薇芙特和麥莉·希拉在第51屆葛萊美獎上共同演唱她的歌曲《十五歲》,並與T-Pain在CMT大獎上即興饒舌[105]。
絲薇芙特還錄製了一些周邊歌曲。2009年,她透過Rhapsody發布了湯姆·佩蒂歌曲《美國女孩》的翻唱版[106],並有幸與佩蒂共同錄製歌曲直至2013年[107]。她還擔任梅爾第四張專輯《戰爭研究》歌曲《半顆心》的伴唱[108]。她還與凱莉·皮克雷共同創作並錄製了歌曲《在你一生中美好日子》[109],並分別與馬丁·詹森Martin Johnson和勞勃·埃利斯·奧拉爾共同創作了電影《孟漢娜》中的兩首插曲《你一定可以找到歸家的路》和《瘋狂曲》[110]。絲薇芙特還為男生愛女生的歌曲《兩人世界總比單身要強》作伴唱,該曲由馬丁·詹森創作[111]。她還為電影《情人節快樂》原聲帶貢獻了包括《今天是個童話》在內的兩首插曲[112],並為《把希望送到海地》翻唱了泄露天機合唱團的歌曲《無力呼吸》(Breathless)[113]。
泰勒的決心和孩子般的天性讓我想起我自己。這是一種非常特別、非常罕見的純真。這位女孩寫的歌讓全世界為之唱和,就像尼爾·戴蒙德(Neil Diamond)和艾爾頓·強那樣……這位女性搖滾-鄉村-流行樂創作型歌手回來了,她的名字叫泰勒絲。真正拯救音樂界的便是這樣的女人[130]。