美國鄉村音樂:Green grass of home
Green grass of home - 美國鄉村音樂
The old home town looks the same as I step down from the train當我步下火車時,我看到家鄉一如往昔
And there to meet me are my mamma and my poppa媽媽和爸爸來車站接我
Down the read I look, and there runs marry, hair of gold, lips like cherries沿路望去,我看到我那金髮櫻唇的瑪利正向我跑來
It’s good to touch the green, green grass of home走在家鄉的綠草地上真好
Yes, they’ll all come to meet me是的,他們都會來看我
Arms a reaching, smiling sweetly張開我雙臂迎接我,對我甜甜的微笑
It’s good to touch the green, green grass of home走在家鄉的綠草地上真好
The old house is still standing那座老屋仍舊矗立在那裡
Though the paint is cracked and dry雖然上面的油漆已經乾裂
And there’s that old oak tree that I used to play on那是我小時候長在上面玩耍的老橡樹
Down the lane I’ll walk with my sweet marry, hair of gold and lips like cherries我和我那金髮櫻唇的瑪利一起沿著小路漫步
It’s good to touch the green, green grass of home走在家鄉的綠草地上真
Then I awake and look around me at the four gray walls that surround me我一覺醒來,環顧四周還是那四面灰牆
And I realize, yes, that I was only dreaming噢,我知道我只是在做夢
For there’s a guard and a sad old padre典獄長和老神父來了
Arm in arm we’ll walk at daybreak我們手挽手走著,在黎明時分
And at last I’ll touch the green, green grass of home最後我將回到我那綠草如茵的家園