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目前分類:Top song 英文歌曲之最 (106)
- Feb 08 Sat 2014 10:35
- Feb 08 Sat 2014 10:01
- Feb 08 Sat 2014 08:08
ladygaga好聽的歌 10首經典必聽
- Feb 08 Sat 2014 07:42
失戀的歌曲:11首Taylor Swift歌曲為你療傷
失戀的歌曲:11首Taylor Swift歌曲為你療傷
摘要:鄉村音樂小天后Taylor Swift寫的熱單很多都是自己的經驗之談,不論你是被劈腿,被橫刀奪愛,總是遇到錯的人,還是陷入失戀的漩渦無法自拔,在Taylor的歌聲中,你總能找到一首為你療傷打氣的歌。情路艱辛,我們仍要快樂的走下去。
1. "I Knew You Were Trouble" 《我知道你是我的劫難》
Song History: Even when all your friends warn you about the bad boy, sometimes you just have to find out for yourself. For Taylor, that guy was John Mayer. Even though he had a rep as a player, she still dated him—and wound up with a broken heart.
- Feb 08 Sat 2014 07:21
8 Songs To Listen To When Depressed
There are so many times when you feel that things are just not going your way. You feel as if the whole world has turned against you and just wants to make you feel sad. Your friend hurt you real bad. Your boyfriend didn’t support you for something. Your parents didn’t allow you for a slumber party. It feels like everything’s coming crashing down onto you at once. What can you do now? We have an idea. Listen to some of these awesome songs that will help you to uplift your mood in a jiffy.
1. I’m Alive by Celine Dion
- Feb 08 Sat 2014 06:59
The rose (Westlife )
愛爾蘭男子團西城男孩的嗓音柔和溫婉,最適合在婚禮上最背景音樂啦。這首《The Rose》是一首傳唱多年的經典老歌,那句“I say love, It is a flower, and you it's only seed。”(我說,愛是一朵花,而你是唯一的種子。)不知撥動了多少人的心弦。