《火影忍者》片尾曲 Bye Bye Bye- Lovestoned

Lovestoned,他們是一個來自瑞典的組合,2010年出新專輯《Rising Love》,其中,Rising girl作為主打歌曲首先推廣於各大網站,並獲得不錯的好評。當他們70%retro-synthesiser聲音和與眾不同的吉他的旋律,可以讓你擁有置身夏天的感覺,輕快的吉他、大鼓和ukulele配合的聲音仿佛柔和的微風拂過。


Bye Bye Bye》中英雙語歌詞:

well i see you 當我看到你

looking back at me 回首看我時

watching this eye still依然注視這雙眼眸

through your fingers 穿過你的指間

and your eyes 你的眼睛

have told a thousand lies已經說過無數的謊言

but i can tell this time 但我這次可以肯定

that you really meant it 你是認真的

we've been crossing the wires 我們已經越過界限

and still no sparks 仍然沒有火花閃過

lost and tired (我們都)已經迷茫了,累了

falling apart (只有)分手了

we've been together for forever tell me why why why 我們曾承諾永遠在一起 告訴我為何要離開

did we have to turn around and say goodbye bye bye 我們必須要轉身說再見嗎

and the only thing that's left to do is cry cry cry 只剩下哭泣是唯一的主題

nothing left for me to say to you but bye bye bye 除了再見我不知道還能對你說些什麼

I can sing another broken song 我可以唱另一首傷心的歌曲

trying to hold on

to your picture 緊緊握著你的照片

out of face you hide behind your face 你躲在你的表情後面

it is more than i can take我承受不了

i know you run deeper 你已經越陷越深了

we've been crossing the wire 我們已經越過界限

and still no spark 仍然沒有火花閃過

lost and tired (我們都)已經迷茫了,累了

falling apart (只有)分手了

we've been together for forever tell me why why why 我們曾承諾永遠在一起 告訴我為何要離開

did we have to turn around and say goodbye bye bye 我們必須要轉身說再見嗎

and the only thing that's left to do is cry cry cry 只剩下哭泣是唯一的主題

nothing left for me to say to you but bye bye bye 除了再見我不知道還能對你說些什麼

you let me hanging on the lie你使我深陷謊言無法自拔

why u stealing all my type 為什麼你還是具有所有我想要的

you take a piece of me 你帶走了部分的我

you've been drving too slow 而你如此遲疑

so i gotta let you go 所以我必須離開你

before you break me 在你毀滅我之前

em ayaah.. we've been together for forever tell me why why why 我們曾承諾永遠在一起 告訴我為何要離開

did we have to turn around and say goodbye bye bye 我們必須要轉身說再見嗎

and the only thing that's left to do is cry cry cry 只剩下哭泣是唯一的主題

nothing left for me to say to you but bye bye bye 除了再見我不知道還能對你說些什麼

we've been together for forever tell me why why why 我們曾承諾永遠在一起 告訴我為何要離開

did we have to turn around and say goodbye bye bye 我們必須要轉身說再見嗎

and the only thing that's left to do is cry cry cry 只剩下哭泣是唯一的主題

nothing left for me to say to you but bye bye bye 除了再見我不知道還能對你說些什麼

bye bye


    創作者 愛薇塔聽歌學英語 的頭像


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