Winter冬季-Tori Amos
Snow can wait. I forgot my mittens. 雪花可以等一等,我忘了戴手套
Wipe my nose, Get my new boots on 擦擦鼻子,穿上新棉靴
I get a little warm in my heart when I think of winter
I put my hand in my father's glove 我戴上父親的手套
I run off where the drifts get deeper 我跑開了,雪越積越厚
Sleeping Beauty trips me with a frown 睡美人皺皺眉,把我絆倒了
I hear a voice:"You must learn to stand up for yourself"
"Cause I can't always be around" 因為我不能總在你身邊
He says* when you gonna make up your mind
When you gonna love you as much as I do
When you gonna make up your mind 你什麼時候才能下定決心?
'Cause things are gonna change so fast 因為這世界變化太快。
All the white horses are still in bed 冬天還沒有到來
I tell you that I'll always want you near
You say that things change, my dear# 你說,世事無常,親愛的。
Boys get discovered as winter melts
Flowers competing for the sun 鮮花苦爭春。
years go by and I'm here still waiting 年復一年, 我還在等待,
Withering where some snowman was 等待著那個雪人。
Mirror, mirror, where's the Crystal Palace
But I only can see myself 但是我只看見自己,
Skating around the truth who I am 在苦苦追問我到底是誰。
But I know, Dad, the ice is getting thin*
#Hair is grey 頭髮已經花白
And the fires are burning so many dreams on the shelf
You say I wanted you to be proud of me 你說我想讓你為我驕傲,
I always wanted that myself* 其實我也想為自己驕傲
When you gonna make up your mind 你什麼時候才能下定決心?
When you gonna love you as much as I do
When you gonna make up your mind 你什麼時候才能下定決心?
'Cause things are gonna change so fast 因為這世界變化太快。
All the white horses have gone ahead 很多年已經過去。
I tell you that I'll always want you near
You say that things change, my dear 你說,世事無常,親愛的。
Never change 永遠不會變
All the white horses 那些遙遠的冬天