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目前分類:聽流行音樂&看電影學英語-T (144)

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往事不重提 Talk

輕柔渺遠的音符來自於愛爾蘭樂隊Kodaline。這是個來自愛爾蘭首都都柏林的四人組搖滾樂隊。零七年首發單曲"GiveMe A Minute登頂愛爾蘭單曲榜。一二年的一首"All IWant"紅遍英美,並被美劇《實習醫生格蕾》收為插曲。之後不久,該樂隊獲得BBC‘Sound of 2013’的提名。今天要在節目上分享的是來自Kodaline的這首Talk。也許沒有以上兩首歌那麼大紅大紫,但是它那苦情的音符依然折服了不少聽眾的耳朵。Talk,有些事,讓歲月去模糊好了,往事重提只會讓人黯然神傷!

I can remember the good old days,
when you and me, we used to hide away.

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萬水千山為君還 To Be By Your Side

來自Nick Cave的一首To Be By Your Side,帶著一點溫馨一點纏綿,以為跟愛情有關,卻是關於鳥群遷徙的故事。Nick Cave,這個來自五十年代的音樂傳奇人物,早先的作品帶著詭異和古怪的風格,但是後期卻逐漸顯現了知性和溫婉的一面,To Be By Your Side就充滿了這樣的一種特色。有人說,這個玩兒朋克音樂出生的男人讓搖滾染上了一份少見的知識份子的味道,透過他的嗓音,仿佛能看到他的思想和他的素養。To Be By Your Side,儘管講述的是飛鳥遷徙,卻也是一首跟承諾有關的歌曲。去感受那種肅穆的深情吧!

Across the oceansAcross the seas.

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The Lonely Journey Called Life人生·孤獨的旅程

人生是一場喧囂而又孤獨的旅程,The Lonely JourneyCalled Life,來自Lars Eriksson。喜歡歌曲中所帶有的那種滄桑和詩意。想逃離索然無味和一層不變,於是背上行囊,獨自遠行到陌生的城市;在那裡邂逅了陌生的女子,書寫著新鮮的經歷,最後遇見了煥然一新的自己,於是生活又重新與希望沾上了邊,翻開了新的一頁。There is a better lifetomorrow and not the same old way,最後這句歌詞是鼓舞人心的,如果你的城市你的生活不再能給你靈感,不妨像這首歌唱的這樣,背上行囊,在人生這一場孤獨的旅行裡,去尋找另一片天地!

I take my bag

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Try to Remember追憶往日

Try to remember the kind of September 追憶那醉人的九月
  When life was slow and oh so mellow 時光緩緩生活悠遊
  Try to remember the kind of September 追憶那醉人的九月

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Tear in Heaven  by Eric Clapton and Will Jennings 

Would you know my name                      你是否記得我的名字  
If I saw you in heaven?                     如果我在天堂見到你 
Would it be the same                        是否一切如故 
If I saw you in heaven?                     如果我在天堂見到你 

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Take Me Home, Country Roads

Almost heaven, West Virginia,
Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River.
Life is old there, older than the trees:

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Top of The World世界之頂

Such a feeling's coming over me. 
There is a wonder in most everything I see.
Not a cloud in the sky,got the sun in my eyes,

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The Sound of Silence沈默之聲 

hello darkness my old friend.
I've come to talk with you again.
because a vision softly creeping

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The River of No Return電影'大江東去'主題曲

There is a river
Called the River of no return
Sometimes it's peaceful

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The Fix-Nelly Featuring Jeremih

Shawty hit me on the late night
Got a man, got me thinking, Shawty, ain't right

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Tennessee Whiskey田納西威士忌Chris Stapleton

I used to spend my nights out in a barroom
Liquor was the only love I've known
But you rescued me from reachin' for the bottom
And brought me back from being too far gone

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Top Of The World-Tim McGraw

We could have a little double wide planted in an empty field
We could have a big old white picket wrap around on a hill

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That's Christmas to Me聖誕節的意義-Pentatonix 

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Cyndi Lauper - True Colors真實的色彩

You with the sad eyes你的眼裡有一抹憂傷
Don't be discouraged不要沮喪

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To where you are-Josh Groban

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The Feeling-Justin Bieber Featuring Halsey

You are to me A part of me just like anatomy

You're pulling me You're pulling me in like you're gravity

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Thinking Out Loud-Ed Sheeran

Thinking Out Loud 放聲思考

When your legs don't work like they used to before


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Trap Queen--Fetty Wap

Remy boyz yeaahhhh

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"These Days" is track #1 on the album III. It was written by Norton, Jamie / Barlow, Gary / Donald, Howard / Owen, Mark / Weaver, Benjamin.

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The Hanging Tree

from The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1

 The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1 Other Album Songs

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