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目前分類:聽流行音樂&看電影學英語-S (137)

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SheGroove Coverage

 ,是誰?——她性感迷人,她自由自在,她熱愛自然,她享受生活,她是女孩存在的原因,她讓你見過就無法忘記——她其實就是你和我,每一個揮灑青春時尚的動感女生。如果喜歡Groove Coverage“Far away from home”,您一定會對這首“She”愛不釋手——依然整齊的鼓點伴奏、同樣緩慢的旋律推進,只是,“She”少了前者的憂傷卻多了幾分輕快和浪漫,或者,還傾灑著幾絲屬於青春的狂野。如果說,略帶沙啞顆粒狀的聲線是Groove Coverage組合的一大特色,那麼“She”更是這種獨特嗓音的代表……


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Streets of love街道之戀

 Lyrics By Rolling Stones


You're awful bright
You're awful smart 

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Sometimes you can't make it on your有時候,你不能獨自承擔一切



"Sometimes you can't make it"(《有時候,你不能獨自承擔一切》),是U2樂隊主唱波諾向已故父親致意的歌:"我和你是如此相像,倔強的脾氣,剛硬的性格,鏡子裡的我好象就是你的翻版。沒有你的房間不能稱為家,不要留我一個人在此。你是我歌唱的理由,因為你,我才愛上歌劇,今夜,我為你而歌唱,我的心聲,你能聽到嗎?--不要孤單獨自去承擔,不要強言堅強而偽裝,有時候,你也需要釋放,需要和常人一樣犯錯和傾訴悲傷……"

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Spring came,rain fell春天來了,雨將至


Spring came,rain fell春天來了,雨將至

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Shoulders sideways, smack it, smack it in the air
Legs movin' side to side, smack it in the air

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Santa Tell Me聖誕老人告訴我Ariana Grande

Santa Tell Me

from Christmas Kisses

 Christmas Kisses Other Album Songs

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Shut Up And Dance閉嘴舞WALK THE MOON

Shut Up and Dance

from Talking Is Hard

 Talking Is Hard Other Album Songs

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Sledgehammer大錘Fifth Harmony

If you could take my pulse right now
It would feel just like a sledgehammer
If you could feel my heart beat now

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She Knows她知道Ne-Yo Featuring Juicy J

"She Knows"(feat. Juicy J)

[Verse 1 - Ne-Yo:]
You know, from the moment she turn around

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Stockholm Syndrome斯德哥爾摩綜合症One Direction

Stockholm Syndrome

from Four

 Four Other Album Songs

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She Will Be Loved   Maroon 5 (魔力紅)

Beauty queen of only eighteen

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Sun Daze陽光大澤Florida Georgia Line

Sun DazeI'm gonna wear my flip-flossing
I'm gonna play some flip-cupping
Rock a little bit of hip-hoping, Haggard and Jagger
And throw a 20 on the court whole game
If I'm lucky yeah I might get laid

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Stay With Me陪著我Sam Smith

Guess it's true, I'm not good at a one-night stand /我想是真的我不會去搞一夜情

But I still need love cause I'm just a man /而我需要愛情因在怎麼說我也只是個人

These nights never seem to go to plan /那些沒約會的寂寞夜晚

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Small Town Throwdown小城鎮對決Brantley Gilbert Featuring Justin Moore & Thomas Rhett

Small Town Throwdown

from Just As I Am

 Just As I Am Other Album Songs

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Secrets秘密Mary Lambert


from Heart on My Sleeve

 Heart on My Sleeve Other Album Songs

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Shotgun Rider霰彈槍騎士Tim McGraw

Shotgun Rider

from Let It Go

 Let It Go Other Album Songs

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Somewhere In My Car我的車在地方Keith Urban

Somewhere In My Car

from Fuse

 Fuse Other Album Songs

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Something In The Water一些在水中Carrie Underwood

Something In the Water

from Greatest Hits: Decade #1

 Greatest Hits: Decade #1 Other Album Songs

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Sunshine & Whiskey陽光與威士忌Frankie Ballard

"Sunshine & Whiskey"

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Stolen Dance被盜舞Milky Chance

Stolen Dance

from Sadnecessary

 Sadnecessary Other Album Songs

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