爵士情歌Just Like A WomanBob Dylan又一經典作品


Bob Dylan鮑勃·狄倫,有重要影響力的美國唱作人,民謠歌手,音樂家,詩人,獲2008年諾貝爾文學獎提名。狄倫的影響力主要體現在60年代,他對音樂的最主要的貢獻是歌詞的深刻寓意與音樂成為同等重要的一部分,他對工業國家整個一代人的敏感性的形成起了很大的作用,他的音樂對理解和分析60年代是至關重要的。縱觀其音樂生涯,Bob Dylan 堪稱賦予了搖滾樂以靈魂。

Just Like A Woman》像個女人一樣中英雙語歌詞對照:

Nobody feels any pain,Tonight as I stand inside the rain 今晚我站在雨中,沒人感受到我的痛苦

Ev'rybody knows That Baby's got new clothes,But lately I see her ribbons and her bows Have fallen from her curls. 別人都知道她買了新衣服,但她髮際的絲帶和蝴蝶結已經沒了

She takes just like a woman, yes, she does 她像個女人一樣打扮自己

She makes love just like a woman, yes, she does 她就像女人一樣去戀愛

And she aches just like a woman 她就像女人一樣去受傷

But she breaks just like a little girl. 但她卻像小女孩一樣崩潰

Queen Mary, she's my friend 她就是我的朋友

Queen MaryYes, I believe I'll go see her again 我會再去看望她

Nobody has to guess That Baby can't be blessed Till she sees finally that she's like all the rest 沒人去設想,等她看到自己最終結果的時候,她是否會被保佑

With her fog, her amphetamine and her pearls. 她有過迷惑,她有過絕望,她也有過值得珍藏的東西

It was raining from the first And I was dying there of thirst 第一次為了愛情而絕望地站在雨中

So I came in here And your long-time curse hurts 聽你不停地說著愛情有多麼傷人

But what's worse ,Is this pain in here ,I can't stay in here 真的是你在痛嗎?我不想再聽了

Ain't it clear that? I just can't fit 夠清楚了嗎?我真的無法承受

Yes, I believe it's time for us to quit 我想是時候分手了

When we meet again, Introduced as friends, Please don't let on that you knew me 當我們再次遇見彼此,像朋友一樣被介紹的時候,請不要說出事實

when I was hungry and it was your world. 當我需要你的時候,你在哪裡



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